Straying outside the Delaware River Basin, this one features the Chesapeake.  And it includes an animated wind rose.

In October 2012 we deployed 2 HOBO U26-001 dissolved oxygen loggers in Frankford Creek, in Philadelphia, PA.  The loggers collected data every 15 minutes, which is shown in animated format below:

There were several surprising results from this deployment including:

DO levels that approached 0 at certain times; and DO was primarily driven by tidal elevation, with very little diel influence.

Not quite a musical, but an animated graph with a soundtrack showing the circa-2009 dip of the NASDAQ, S&P 500, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

The data was publicly available, via the internet (although I don't recall the exact sources, as I did this a while ago).  The soundtrack was added later using Windows Live Movie Maker.

The VBA enable spreadsheet can be downloaded here.

I instruct an environmental science survey course that includes an introduction to human population growth.  We covered age structure diagrams, but I wanted to see how these diagrams would change over time.  I coded a simple population model into Excel VBA that allows students to change birth and death rates, specify a baby boom year and rate, and see how the changes impact the age structure diagram.

You can download the macro enabled spreadsheet here.

One of my first extended efforts using arrays was a program to solve Sudoku puzzles.  You can download the Sudoku Solver, which is a VBA enabled Excel spreadsheet, from my google site here.

This animation shows velocity vectors recorded by a side-looking Acoustic Current Doppler Profiler (ADCP) deployed by NOAA in the Delaware River near Philadelphia, PA.

Again, this was developed using VBA for Excel.  I superimposed the animated graph over a Google Earth screen shot, matching the scale and position.

Also from Sandy, here is an animated map that shows USGS gages responding to the streamflow as the the storm moved through the Delaware River Basin.  The VBA Excel code retrieves the data, processes it to compute discharge per drainage area (CFS/mi2), and formats for ARC-GIS.  In this case, the actual animation was developed in ARC GIS by my coworker.

Hurricane Sandy animated map dots

Just prior to Sandy we had completed the same analysis from Hurricane Irene in 2011.

Here is one of my most recent animated graphs.

This one shows an animated graph of predicted versus observed water surface elevations in the Delaware Estuary as a result of Hurricane Sandy storm surge.  Water surface elevation data is from the NOAA PORTS system.  Hurricane path data is from NOAA.  Discharge data for the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers is from USGS.  The animated graph was programmed in VBA Excel.

You can download and plan with the VBA enabled spreadsheet I used here.

Over the past few years, I've really come to love data.  In this blog, I'll share some of the data assessment activities that I've been involved in, both professionally and as a hobby.  I'll share both the results (videos, images, whatnot) and some of the files and code behind the assessments.

I look forward to hearing from other people who love data, and who like to jump into a giant pool of data and play.
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About Me
I am an engineer working in water resources and the environmental field. On the side, I work with small businesses to help automate their data processing functions. I offer reasonable rates and am very efficient. Send me an e-mail at
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