Delaware versus Chesapeake revisited
In this earlier post, I analyzed tidal water surface elevation data from the NOAA PORTS system from both the Delaware Estuary and the Chesapeake Bay, showing how the two systems react very differently to the tidal forcing at their Atlantic Ocean boundaries.
Population Model Revisited
In a previous post I showed an animated age structure diagram depicting output from a simple population model written in Excel. Here is another version of that model written in R.
High Flows in Lower Columbia River near Portland, OR
After I completed the animated tidal water surface elevation plots for the Delaware Estuary, I looked for other systems with a good set of tidal observation stations. The Lower Columbia River near Portland, Oregon fit the bill.
Animated 3D Plot of Ammonia Toxics Criteria
In 2013, EPA published final national recommended water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic life from the toxic effects of ammonia in freshwater.