Hurricane Irene at the Delaware Estuary Revisited
Back in August 2011, Hurricane Irene struck the mid-Atlantic coast. This animated graph shows how the storm surge from Irene and the terrestrial flooding from Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (a few days later) impacted water surface elevations in the Delaware Estuary.
2Playing with the US Population
Here's an app that illustrates how fertility and death rates impact the US age structure diagram over time. The app uses a simple population model to forecast the US age structure in 100 years, starting from 2010 census data and user-selected fertility and death rates.
2Superstorm Sandy at the Delaware Estuary Revisited
Continuing on the theme of updating older visualizations into newer formats, below is a clip of the impact of Superstorm Sandy on Delaware Estuary water surface elevations. The original MS Excel and screen capture version is posted here.
2Delaware River Water Quality Visualization App
The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) just released a new app for visualizing water quality in the Delaware River Basin. The DRBC Special Protection Waters Monitoring Program Explorer is a Shiny app that allows users to generate a boxplot and summary table of selected water quality data.