My prior post on animated flow in the Delaware River contained the last work I performed on my previous lap top just before it gave up the ghost.  When a colleague asked me to share it, I was distressed to realize that the script was lost.  I decided to recreate the script from scratch and to fix one the limitations of the older version by making it easily transportable to other river systems.  Specifically, all the USGS gage numbers, drainage areas, and river miles are contained in a .csv file.  To apply the new script to the different river, I just need to populate the .csv with local information.  I'm glad I did that, since there were several high flow events at other rivers that I wanted to inspect using this script.

Above is the Neuse River after Hurricane Florence.  I also applied this to the Susquehanna River and the Schuylkill River.

Before and During Flooding Drone Photos
Animated Dissolved Oxygen Saturation in the Delaware Estuary
Lake Erie 2022 edition
Lake Erie 2022 edition
Lake Erie Pileup
Delaware River time lapse near Philadelphia
Animated Schuylkill River Flood after Tropical Storm Isaias
A Year in Flow
A Year in Flow
Fish Tank Fun 2 with Flir One
Fish Tank Fun 2 with Flir One
Fish Tank Fun 1 with Flir One
Fish Tank Fun 1 with Flir One
Animated River Flow Revisited
50 years of Delaware Estuary Dissolved Oxygen
Hurricane Irene at the Delaware Estuary Revisited
Playing with the US Population
Superstorm Sandy at the Delaware Estuary Revisited
Superstorm Sandy at Barnegat Bay Revisted
Delaware River Water Quality Visualization App
Solar PVC Growth from One Time Investment: A Monte Carlo Analysis Shiny App
A Shiny App for estimating Multiplier Exponent Curves from Manning's Equation Inputs
Effluent Nutrient Concentrations by Waste Water Treatment Type: A Shiny App
Monte Carlo Analysis of Manning's Equation: A Shiny App
Box Plot as Goal Post
Blow Out Tide in the Delaware Estuary
Animated Flow in the non-tidal Delaware River
Delaware versus Chesapeake revisited
Population Model Revisited
High Flows in Lower Columbia River near Portland, OR
Animated 3D Plot of Ammonia Toxics Criteria
Tidal Amplification - Chesapeake versus Delaware
Automated Animated Choropleth
Automated Animated Tide Data
Harvesting Web Data for Automation of a Hydrodynamic Model
Harvesting Web Data for Automation of a Hydrodynamic Model
R shiny app for Boat Run monitoring
Flood Time Series from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee
Flood Time Series from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee
Chesapeake DO with Wind Rose
Animated Dissolved Oxygen with Sun and Tide
Stock Market Crash, The Musical
Population Model
Sudoku Solver
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Animation
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Animation
Animated map dots - USGS gages responding to flooding
Hurricane Sandy Water Surface Elevations in Delaware Estuary